
How Casinos Use Design to Attract and Keep Guests


When most people think of casino, they imagine a dazzling place that offers chances to win big money. They may envision the bright lights of Las Vegas or Atlantic City, or perhaps the opulent casino on a cruise ship or in the heart of Dubai. However, casinos exist in many places and can be found in all sorts of settings. These articles explore some of the different ways casinos use design to attract and keep guests, and what those designs mean for their business success.

A casino is a public place that allows players to gamble on various games of chance and is regulated by law. It is also a place where patrons can enjoy other activities, such as fine dining and shows. Some casinos are very lavish and provide a variety of amenities to draw in customers, such as free drinks and luxurious suites. Others are more modest and focus primarily on gambling activities, though they might offer other entertainment options as well.

While the precise origin of gambling is unknown, it is believed that the activity has been practiced in some form throughout history in nearly every society. Modern casino gambling began in Atlantic City in 1978, and many American states amended their laws in the 1980s to permit the establishment of casinos. The first casinos also appeared on some American Indian reservations, which were exempt from state anti-gambling laws.

The primary goal of a casino is to make money by encouraging game players to spend their money repeatedly in exchange for the possibility of winning large sums. To achieve this, the casino must create an atmosphere that is both fun and exciting, while making sure that players are aware of their chances of winning. In addition, the casino must make sure that players are not cheating or stealing; if these activities occur, security personnel must be on their toes and ready to catch the perpetrators.