A casino is a gambling establishment that offers a variety of games of chance and combines them with dining and entertainment. It may be a massive resort or a small card room. In addition to land-based casinos, these gaming facilities are available online and at racinos (casinos on horse racetracks). They can be found all over the world, in countries with legalized gambling.
Gambling in a casino is different from gambling at home or online because it takes place in an environment that is designed to create excitement and noise. People are surrounded by other gamblers and staff shouting encouragement. Alcoholic drinks are readily available, and waiters circulate the floor offering them. Nonalcoholic drinks are also provided. Security personnel keep an eye on the patrons, ensuring that they do not cheat by palming or marking cards or changing dice or playing with a marked deck of cards. Each person at a table game has a pit boss or manager watching them, while dealers are monitored by higher-ups to prevent cheating.
While many casinos have lavish amenities, the basic premise is that the house will always win. This is because every game has a built-in advantage that ensures the house will win a certain percentage of bets. To counteract this advantage, casinos offer big bettors a host of extravagant inducements such as free spectacular entertainment, luxury transportation and living quarters. Some even give free hotel rooms and dinners to high-spenders. This is called comping.